Grey and foggy November

It is Friday again and November is in the second week. But it is strange tidings, since it is slightly warm, grey and the fog is hanging like a wet blanket over the sky. It could be taken out of any old horror movie, like count Dracula or Frankenstines monster. But just as well it could be our own minds from time to time. Ever felt like you are in the dark and haveĀ  a hard time to find the light switch? Like you are trying to see, but your sight is dimmed? That is the grey november fog that comes into your mind from time to time. It stays longer or shorter times, depending on how we manage to handle it. It takes longer if we try to do it on our own and shorter if we pray about it and let the good Lord help us out. In other words, it takes trust in our Abba to get it done. One have to take a step of faith and reach out into the fog praying thatĀ the good Lord to step in and clear our mind for us. He will grab your hand and pull you through.   1 Thessalonians 5:21 But test everything; hold fast what is good.   God bless!